Get in the Habit of Exploring New Marketing Channels Regularly
As you build your business and grow your income, you will also want to keep your toes wet exploring new marketing channels regularly. You never know when Facebook or Twitter will completely change and become unusable to you. 
Keeping your toes in other marketing channels can help you ensure that you are ready for changes as they come. Plus, you never know when you’ll stumble on something highly effective or generate some evergreen marketing content that will serve you for years to come.
  • Learn About Facebook Ads – Numerous courses can help you learn more about Facebook Ads in general. However, you may want to try out Facebook ads by hiring someone to do it for you. That’s just as legit as learning it yourself. 
  • Test Remarketing / Retargeting Ads – This type of advertisement is an easier one to do without as much expertise. You simply follow instructions given to you by the platform you’re running the retargeting or remarketing ads to, and you’re in business. 
  • Try a New Pinterest Strategy – Substitute Pinterest for any other social media platform. Whether it’s or Pinterest or something else, there is always something, some little tweak, or something that you can do to improve. 
  • Launch a New YouTube Channel – All you need to start a YouTube channel is some videos. You can make videos by recording your screen, or by using PowerPoint, it’s up to you. Create short tip videos and publish them on YouTube. 
  • Discover What’s New – Niches grow and change, so it’s imperative that you stay informed. Get industry magazines and publications and at least read the headlines each day. That way, you will stay up to date on everything new and relevant. This ensures you stay ahead of any killer technologies that might change your industry.
  • Try a New Blog Format – Do you normally use a particular format for your blog posts such as lists? If you do, try changing to a new format for different posts. You may want to do more guides, or how to posts, or reviews. 
  • Try Going to Live Events – Many online marketers forget that live events are a great place to meet new connections and to market your products and services. Try going to events, then try some sponsorships to find out if it helps you get more business. 
  • Learn More About SEO – Search engine optimization updates and changes all the time as search engine technology changes. The job of a search engine is to deliver relevant content to their customers. Your job is to figure out how to get noticed using SEO.
  • Experiment with Video – Video gets shared more than text, and it has a better chance of going viral. Try making more videos to use along with your text content to find out if your audience will also respond to video. 
  • Try Adding Webinars or “Live” Facebook Shows – If you don’t do webinars yet, it’s something you may want to consider trying as part of the entry point of your funnel. Webinars are also fun, and the technology isn’t hard today with software that’s inexpensive like 
  • Consider Testing Influencers – An influencer is someone who speaks to your audience and makes a difference in their lives. Find five small channel influencers and give them a deal to talk about or review your products and services. 
  • Try a New Type of Lead Magnet – How long have you used the same lead magnet if you have one? Consider exploring alternative lead magnets that may get even more leads for you.
Some marketing and business experts claim that you should try to spend about 5 percent of your time exploring “shiny objects” and no more. For this reason, when you do set out to explore other marketing channels, do it with intention. Don’t blindly start looking into a little of this and a little of that, instead, intentionally spend five percent of your time formally learning about a new marketing channel or idea that you can implement and test. 


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