Want to Scale Your Business? 8 Best Practices for Training Your Team
The quality of your team depends not just on their talent, but also how well they’re trained. You can hire the best people but if your training is lacking, they won’t carry out their work to get the results you want. As you scale, you’ll have a great deal of training to do, so here are the best practices for doing it right. 
Create an Onboarding Process

You need to make sure your new hires understand and align with your company’s values and vision. They need to understand the “why” behind everything your organization does. Onboarding means teaching new hires about your company culture, creating good rapport, and learning about your new staff so you can help them do their best.
Invest in Online Training

In today’s digital age, you might have workers scattered across the globe. But even if your team is local, online training saves a great deal of cost over in-person training and makes it easier for everyone. Tech tools available today make it simpler than ever to train online, so there’s no reason not to. 

As part of your training, you can also create an online knowledge base that your staff can refer to post-training when they need further help or a refresher. 
Set Clear Roles and Responsibilities

As your organization grows, you’ll have more people handling a variety of tasks. It’s more important than ever to clarify each person’s roles and responsibilities. Make this clear and specific so no one is confused about what they’re supposed to be doing.
Be on the Lookout for Leaders

As the teams in your organization become more complex, you’ll want to delegate leadership to individuals who can handle it. As you hire people, consider each for leadership potential. You’ll find some of them that seem to “get it” and show the qualities you need in management. 
Offer Additional Learning Opportunities

Offer further educational and training opportunities for your new staff. For example, you might hold small group or one-on-one coaching, or give them access to online courses. Offer various formats as people have different learning styles. 

You can offer courses beyond their current roles and responsibilities as well for career enrichment. This helps not only keep your staff happy and fulfilled but also opens up opportunities for them to take on new roles at your company in the future. 
Document the Training and Onboarding Process

As you go about training and onboarding your staff, document everything you do. Keep track of the process so you can better understand what’s working and what’s not. Documenting also helps you create standards and protocols, which every organization needs to have as it scales. 
Gather Feedback and Track Results

Keep track of your team’s performance. Reach out to them to find out where they’re struggling or where there are obstacles to remove. Through this feedback, you can find ways to improve the training process through things like reassigning tasks, offering additional training, or restructuring teams. 
Start Creating Your Training Program Early

Once your business starts to grow exponentially, you’ll have much to do, and things may feel overwhelming. That’s not an optimal time for creating a training program from scratch. Start planning how you’ll train your team now so you’re prepared for team growth as you scale your business.  

Want to learn more about how you can scale your business and earn more? Head over here: Building a Scalable Business


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