Why entrepreneurs need professional development
I've been a consultant and business coach for almost ten years, plus a manager of virtual assistants and other outsourced professionals for even longer. I'm a big believer in continuing education (to stay fresh and on top of industry trends) and professional development to learn new skills and improve old ones. Both of these things serve as essential skill sets for the skills-based worker (entrepreneurs, consultants, salespeople, etc.), but they are particularly important to those who depend on their personal skill set (their "human capital") as their primary means of earning income. In my years of experience, I have found that those who invest in their professional development are the ones who tend to be the most successful. They are always looking for ways to improve their skills and learn new things to help them in their career or business. This allows them to stay ahead of the curve and be one of the top performers in their field.

Those who don't invest in their professional development often get left behind. They become stagnant in their business or careers and eventually get replaced by someone willing to put in the time and effort to learn new skills and improve upon existing ones.

If you want to be successful, it is essential that you invest in your own professional development. There are many ways you can do this, such as taking courses, attending seminars, reading books or blogs/podcasts related to your industry, or even just networking with other professionals. These activities will help you gain new knowledge and skills that you can use to improve your performance at work. The importance of professional development can not be understated. Those who invest in their own education and continuously seek to improve their skills are the ones who reap the rewards in the form of successful careers or businesses. 

Benefits For Professionals
  • Provides new skills and knowledge to help your company adapt to changing work/industry requirements. 
  • Learn the tools and technology to keep your business moving forward. 
  • It improves motivation, which can improve the business dynamics as a result. 
  • It builds confidence and credibility, which will help you stand out from the crowd. 
  • It helps to overcome self-limiting beliefs and behaviors. 
  • Helps to build personal brands and develop thought leadership in the topic of interest. 

Benefits For Businesses
  • Boosts credibility and, therefore, customer confidence and loyalty. 
  • Improves performance, providing better work processes and thus saving time and ultimately money. 
  • Networking with peers and prospective customers increases business visibility and brand awareness which helps generate leads. 
  • Demonstrates a willingness to invest in yourself.
Make a list of all the areas you want to improve.  Then add a deadline.  Spend a few moments researching where you can learn or sharpen what is on your list.


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