Let’s Talk About Acquiring New Customers and Marketing to Existing Ones
We’ve discussed previously that selling to an existing customer is a lot easier and less expensive than acquiring a new customer. While you do want to keep adding new customers to your customer list, understanding the costs will make you realize that you must also spend time marketing to your existing customers on a regular basis. The more you can increase the lifetime earnings from each customer you have, the better your business will grow, and the more likely it is to succeed.
Research Your Existing Customers 
Using all the data you have about your existing customers will help you market to them, but it’s also going to help you create more targeted content and products which will help you get new customers as well as please the old ones. 
Make Your Customers Feel Like VIPs
When you send regular messages to your current customers, it will make them feel important and will keep your business at the top of their minds. Regular communication with your customers ensures that they already trust you when you make a new offer to them.
Always Follow Up 
Don’t just send one transactional “thank you” email to your customers. Take time to follow up after they have had time to start using their product when they should be done with it, and when they may want another when it’s replenishable, or when they need the next level product if it’s a digital “how to” product. 
Let Them Help Create New Products with You
Once you have a satisfied customer or two, involve them with your future product development. Keep them in the loop about the benefits of new products, the names you give them, and even the colors you use for design by using that customer email list to send poll questions to them. You can also invite them to a special Customers Only Facebook Group, where they can discuss their product and let you gain valuable insight by observing the conversations. 
Recruit Customers as Affiliates
If your customers don’t know that you have an affiliate program, set up your autoresponder so that you tell them on a regular basis about your program, how to sign up, and how much money they could possibly make from your program if they promote it to their friends. This gets them involved directly with your business, and they’re going to be even more loyal when they’re making money and getting discounts due to promoting to their friends.
It’s easier to sell to an existing customer than to go find someone new whose trust you have to earn. Spend time marketing to your existing customers every day at least as much as you market to new people. You want them to feel as if they are important too. This is really a no-brainer when it comes to customer relationships because so many businesses don’t put their customers first, that if you show that you are, you’ll stand out from the crowd.


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