80% of Your Time Should Be Spent on Smart Marketing Tasks
If you’ve noticed the idea of repurposing, then you know that eventually, you’re not going to be spending all your time creating. Even now, it should be argued that spending all your time creating is not going to pay off as much as spending your time selling. You can have the very best course or widget on the market in your niche but make pennies compared to someone with a mediocre product or service who is out there marketing. 
You Have a Product
If you’ve finished your website, have a lead magnet, and you’ve finished setting up your email list, and you have a few products to sell, it’s time to transition into spending more time marketing and less time creating and making sales. Remember, once you are making money, you can get more help with the work you need to do.
Always Be Marketing
Most experts say that you need to spend about 80 percent of your time on marketing. I like to say that you should simply, always be marketing. One could argue that the moment you have anything to show anyone, you should start marketing. 
Build a Real Business
It’s up to you how you do that but know this: spending more time marketing means more sales. More sales mean more money. More money means you can hire people and when you hire people, you immediately boost your business from being one accident away from being over to being something you can sell to others or pass on to your kids. You’re building a legacy. 
To spend time on SMART marketing tasks, understand what they are. It stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. This really means that you want to spend time using the right type of marketing that you can measure, test, and tweak over time to perfect it and get more out of it. Putting it all down in writing helps too.
Write Down Your Marketing Objectives
Using the SMART acronym, write down your marketing objectives, and then match each objective with one or more ways to achieve it. For example, if you set the objective to get 10 new customers in two weeks for your pain reducing body pillow, you want to describe how you’re going to do it so that you can pluck the tasks or (to-dos) out and put them in your calendar. 
Whether you determine that you need marketing content, or you realize you need to run a Facebook Advertisement, the important thing is that you do something each day to market your business or products directly. Making more offers makes more money. When you organize everything so that you can know what tasks to do each day and where you can automate something, you’ll soon start seeing the results you want as long as you’re making more offers to get more sales. 


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